On Tuesday, March 5, 2023, a completion ceremony was held for the Japanese Language Preparatory Course for the second semester of the 2023 academic year. This course is designed for government-sponsored foreign students to study Japanese language intensively.
One of the graduates of this course, who enrolled in October 2023 (see below), presented his study results after receiving a certificate of completion from Mr. Kazuhiro Murakami, Director of the Center for International Education, Institute for International Relations. Under the title of “Thai Buddhists,” the graduating student gave a presentation in a calm tone of voice and in magnificent Japanese about Thai Buddhist prayer customs and the daily life of monks, showing the results of what he had learned since October.
Not only their academic advisors and Japanese language instructors from the Center for International Education, but also J-support (volunteers who support international students in learning Japanese), friends from the laboratory, and others attended this graduation ceremony to hear the presentations by the graduating students.
One of the graduates said, “It was good to be able to introduce my home country in Japanese. I am going to start my research in earnest now, but I would like to continue my Japanese language studies as well.
The graduates will begin their professional studies next semester.
Students who completed the Japanese Language Preparatory Course in the second semester of 2023
ROJRUNG RATTANAPORN, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Thailand

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