Faculty and Staff Development (SD/FD)
In order to realize the principles set forth in Ehime University’s Charter, faculty and staff development is essential. Faculty development is referred to as SD (Staff Development) and FD (Faculty Development). Faculty development not only leads to the development of Ehime University, but also makes the workplace a place where faculty members feel fulfilled and proud of their work, which in turn leads to the enrichment of their own lives.
Ehime University has been leading other universities in the development of faculty and staff skills. In recognition of its achievements, the Education Planning Office of the Institute of Education and Student Support has been certified by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology as an Education-Related Joint-Use Center (Center for Faculty Capacity Development). In addition, as the representative school of the Shikoku Regional Network for Faculty and Staff Development (SPOD), we promote capacity development for faculty and staff at universities and colleges of technology in Shikoku.
Ehime University’s past SD and FD activities and the SD and FD activities in the Standards for the Establishment of Universities Based on the definition of FD, Ehime University defines SD and FD. The definitions below were approved by the Council on Education and Research at its February 2019 meeting. Under these definitions, Ehime University will enhance its SD and FD activities and their support systems in order to realize the University’s philosophy as set forth in the Ehime University Charter.
Definition of SD and major initiatives at Ehime University
A generic term for organized efforts to develop the abilities of all faculty and staff, including the Executive Committee, at each stage of their careers, with the aim of realizing the principles of education, research, social contribution, and university administration as stated in Ehime University’s Charter, as well as individual self-actualization (see 2. (FD initiatives are excluded.)
Main Initiatives
Training for new faculty and staff
Staff Portfolio Creation Workshop
How to obtain external research funding
researcher ethics
human rights training
SD Skill Development Course
IRer Training Course
Management Staff Training
Top Leader Training
Next Generation Leadership Seminar
Support for participation in external training, etc., and promotion of personnel exchanges with other organizations
Definition of FD at Ehime University and Main Efforts
A generic term for systematic efforts to improve classes, curriculum, and educational and student support systems and reforms aimed at realizing the educational philosophy set forth in Ehime University’s Charter.
Main Initiatives
New teacher training workshop
Class Design Workshop
Teaching Portfolio Development Workshop
Conducting class consultation
Classroom observation by faculty members and colleagues
Mentor-led Classroom Visits
Analysis, disclosure, and improvement of class evaluation questionnaires and various surveys
Conduct curriculum consultation
FDer Training Course / IRer Training Course / Curriculum Coordinator Training Course
Establishment of an Education Coordinators’ Council and consideration of its role and authority
Symposium of Ehime University Educational Reform Promotion Project (Aichi University Educational Reform GP)

FD Map
Ehime University’s Education Planning Office offers a rich and diverse array of faculty development programs and services. These various programs and services are organized in the university-wide capacity development system chart (FD Map). Each faculty member can learn the necessary content at the necessary stage according to his/her own career and abilities. The University’s FD Map uses the FD Map framework created by the FDer Study Group of the National Institute for Educational Policy Research.
The Joint Usage Center System for Education was established to promote the joint use of human and material resources of each university in order to provide high quality education that meets the diversifying needs of society and students. In March 2010, the Education Planning Office of the Institute of Education and Student Support was accredited by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology as an Education-Related Joint Usage Center (Center for Faculty Capacity Development). Since then, it has been reaccredited twice in recognition of its achievements and the ripple effect it has had on other universities, and is now in its third term, starting in April 2020. As an institution that provides organized training for faculty and staff at institutions of higher education nationwide, the Center fosters and supports experts and practical leaders who promote university administration.
In order to further promote the capacity development of new faculty members and other early career faculty members, we offer a multifaceted capacity development program for faculty members. the PD program is divided into three areas: (1) teaching capacity development, (2) research capacity development, and (3) management capacity development. Newly hired faculty members and others take a total of 100 hours of the program during the first three years of the tenure faculty development period. In addition, they are eligible for priority financial support. The program enhances the education and research environment, promotes independence as university faculty members, and ensures their quality through comprehensive performance evaluation.
Ehime University is engaged in systematic educational reforms to enhance the quality of education. Representative examples are the educational coordinator system, which promotes educational reforms by organically linking the entire university, and the Ehime University Educational Reform Promotion Program, which allocates educational expenses to outstanding educational reform programs. These efforts are also linked to the development of faculty members’ abilities.
The “Vision for Administrative Staff Personnel and Human Resource Development” aims to build a personnel management system that will enable administrative staff, in particular, to enhance their ability to contribute to the operation of the University, achieve their ideal work-life balance, and fully demonstrate their abilities.
In addition, we aim to develop human resources who can contribute to the achievement of the organization’s goals by setting the “required staff image” at the University.
The Shikoku Network for the Development of University Faculty and Staff (SPOD) is comprised of national, public and private universities, junior colleges (including universities with some faculties located in Shikoku) and colleges of technology in the Shikoku region. The member schools, centered on the core network schools located in the four prefectures, cooperate and collaborate with each other to develop the skills of faculty members. Many faculty members outside the Shikoku region also participate in these programs.