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Faculty/Graduate School/Institute

Ehime University consists of seven faculties (Faculty of Law and Letters, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Collaborative Regional Innovation, Faculty of Science, School of Medicine, Faculty of Engineering, and Faculty of Agriculture), six graduate schools, and one interdisciplinary school. With approximately 10,000 students, it is the largest university in Shikoku.


faculty of law and Letters

Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Faculty of Collaborative Regional Innovation

Department of Industrial Management
Department of Industrial Innovation
Department of Environmental Design
Department of Community Resource Management

Faculty of education

School Teacher Training Course

Faculty of science

department of science

School of Medicine

Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Nursing

Faculty of Engineering

Department of Engineering

Faculty of Agriculture

Department of Food Production Science
Department of Bioscience
Department of Science and Technology for Biological Resources and Environment

Graduate School

Department of Advanced Education Practice (Graduate School of Teaching)

Clinical Psychology and Development

Department of Food Production

Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology

Department of Biological and Environmental Studies

Special Course for Working People

Special Course for International Students from Asia, Africa and Pacific Rim

Department of Bioresource Production

Department of Bioresource Utilization

Department of Biological and Environmental Conservation