Ehime University has been selected for Type A: Bachelor’s Program Content Type in the MEXT’s 2023 “Inter-University Exchange Project(supplementary budget project)- Support for the construction of a system to promote the acceptance and retention of international students from ASEAN countries”.
This project will develop a system for each university to provide online educational content in fields of interest to students from ASEAN (the Association of Southeast Asian Nations) on Japan Virtual Campus (JV-Campus), an online international education platform originating in Japan.
Ehime University will focus on the primary and food industries that make full use of the rich natural environment of the mountains, seas and fields of Ehime Prefecture and its geographical characteristics, under the theme of “SDGs x Food-Value-Chain in Ehime for Glocal Food Security. In addition, we plan to provide subject content that teaches about the excellent efforts related to the value-added chain based on food, which is indispensable for maintaining human sustainability, and the concept of multispecies, which expands the perspective to species other than humans. These educational contents, which will include a wealth of videos based on field interviews and virtual tours will be created during FY2024 and will be available to the public from FY2025.
Ehime University is committed to ensuring that the educational packages we create in the future will be widely used by high school students to take advanced courses and to acquire basic knowledge for research subjects at graduate schools. Through these efforts, we aim to establish a foundation for the acceptance of international students not only at Ehime University but also in Japan as a whole.

■The Project for Strengthening the University’s Global Expansion Capabilities
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