CLC and JJC have a strong relationship with Ehime University. This May we had a short-term incoming program for the first time in five years. With online exchanges and events we have kept the relationship strong. Students on both sides were thus happy to have the opportunity to meet again.
At the orientation the students and their supervisors Associate Professor Jill Bruellman (CLC) and Professor Nataliya Marchenko (JJC) were welcomed by a group of volunteers from Ehime University and Adriana Hidding (assistant professor IIR).
US and Ehime University Students studied Economics and Linguistics together. Comparisons lead to surprising similarities and difference.s and see differences
During two weeks there were excursion to Imabari, Uchiko, the castle and Ishiteji. Students from the Kendo club and Japanese Music club welcomed the student to their practice. And several English Teachers had US students join in as guests during their classes.
The program was finished with a Poster Presentation where the US students shared the result of their comparative studies. Many Ehime Universities came to talk and give their view on the topics.
During the farewell party there was a live music performance by the Japanese music circle with students playing the koto, shakuhachi and shamisen. The high number of exchanges and the studying together is what made this program most worthwhile and enjoyable for all involved.

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