The ‘Informal Chat’ for UGAS-EU students, which has been?held annually since 2015, took place at the United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Ehime University (Rendai) Research and Administration building on Wednesday, December 11, 2019.
The purpose of this informal chat?is to hear student’s opinions for improvement of?student’s life, their study environment and education and research activities at Rendai. Prof. Dennis Murphy hosted the chat and Rendai staff also participated in it.
At the chat, the main topic of discussion was about the seminars which they have taken, also their career paths after their graduation. The chat was a good opportunity for both the students and Rendai to learn student’s views and exchange opinions.
We are committed to continuing this kind of informal?chat to give students the opportunity to air their opinions and feelings to help us improve. Similar informal chats are scheduled at Kagawa and Kochi universities during the 2019 academic year.

Informal chat

Commemorative photo