






新万博体育_万博体育足彩-外围平台長 仁科 弘重  



Diversity Promotion Statement, Ehime University

 The world is going through a time of great change. We are faced with many difficult issues that need to be solved for sustainable development, such as the spread of infectious diseases, frequent large-scale natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods, and in Japan, a declining population due to a low birthrate and aging society. To realize a society where “no one is left behind,” the perspective of “diversity,” in which diverse human resources and organizations work together to solve problems, is crucial in these times. An organization made up of diverse human resources can respond flexibly and quickly to the ever-changing social environment. If the members of the organization can demonstrate their abilities in each situation, the members themselves will feel a sense of accomplishment, leading to a dramatic improvement in the performance of the entire organization. Based on our philosophy of becoming “a university that leads our region and connects it to the world with striking originality,” we aim to promote understanding and create an environment for diversity and inclusion as a global standard.

 The coronavirus pandemic has reminded us that we are not only residents of the region but also members of the world. It has also made us aware of the need to mobilize the power of all people and respond flexibly to a diversifying society and rapidly changing environment. As the birthrate declines, life expectancy increases, and work styles become more diversified, we will need to search for “new ways of life” that combine learning and work. Therefore, the university, as a “center of knowledge in the region,” is required to have more diverse functions than ever before. In order to meet the expectations of such a diversity of functions, it is necessary for the members of the university, each of whom has unique knowledge and ability to think and act, to respect each other’s differences and work together.

 Ehime University aims to provide a place where people can respect and collaborate with each other regardless of gender, age, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, culture, religion, in order to guarantee the human rights of all people and create a better society for future generations. We also aim to become a center of knowledge for solving diverse global issues while remaining rooted in the local community. To this end, we will further promote diversity through a variety of initiatives, and state that the university wants to be a place where each member can shine with individuality and demonstrate their abilities.

July 19, 2021
NISHINA Hiroshige
President of Ehime University