『It is a great pleasure to give a welcome address in the presence of the Deans, Directors and academic advisers at this Matriculation Ceremony of the United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Ehime University joined with Kochi University and Kagawa University. I congratulate all of you on your getting admission to doctoral courses including the Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture Sciences Course and the Asia, Africa and Pacific Rim Agricultural Sciences Course.
Of 28 new students, 21 are from foreign countries. Some students may have stayed in Japan for a few years, but others may have just started living in Japan. For the latter students, it may take several months to get accustomed to Japanese life. I advise such students to learn Japanese language as soon as possible to make earlier adaptation to Japanese life. Each of the three universities offers several Japanese language programs at varied levels.Each university also has a special program, the Career Development Program for Foreign Students in Japan by providing special classes to prepare students for employment in Japanese companies and assisting in their search for employment in Japan. These programs will assist you in learning a higher level of Japanese language and culture.
Most of you are from Asian countries where agriculture, forestry and fishery are of primary importance. Your research subject is probably related to one of such study fields. Efficient production of plant and animal resources, sustainable management of natural resources, and mitigation of natural disasters are particularly important in order to develop your countries. You are expected to be leaders of you countries, but you should not concern only about the development of your own countries. In the present day of globalization, there are many global issues to be resolved, such as global warning and the maintenance of biodiversity. I hope you also contribute to such global issues.
Finally, I hope you all will establish good relationships with your friends and academic advisers and will advance learning and research in this graduate school.
Thank you.』
これに応えて、新万博体育_万博体育足彩-外围平台配属となるアジア?アフリカ?環太平洋農学留学生特別コース生物資源利用学専攻のデデ ヘリ ユリ ヤントさんから次の宣誓あいさつがありました。
『Dear Honorable President of Ehime University,Respected Dean,Reverend Professors,
Fellow Students,Ladies and Gentlemen,
Good morning,
It is indeed a great honor and privilege bestowed on me to be a representative of the fellow students to take this opportunity for presenting this speech in the opening ceremony of the special Doctoral Program for foreign students Ehime University.
We are very grateful and special thanks to the Japanese Government and the University authorities for selecting us as fellows. We are really proud to have a great opportunity to study in the world leading technology country Japan.
We also sincerely thank to our respected professors for providing us excellent advice through the way of our study. With their professional support, we are extremely confident to achieve the goals in our research study and cope well with living in Japan. We also believe in the expertise and scientific reputation of our reverend professors, act as a bridge between the vast storehouse of knowledge and our eager enquiring minds, which will definitely enable us to be the outstanding researchers with a strong academic background of agricultural science and technology.
Indeed, we will commit our best effort to sustain humbleness, honesty and integrity for fulfilling our duties and responsibilities. In order to achieve our goals, we will thoroughly go along with the professional guidance and supervision of our supervisors. Furthermore, we will do our best to contribute the knowledge to our research area of study and utterly apply this expertise for the development of our beloved motherlands.
Finally, we would like to take this opportunity to thanks to our Japanese colleagues and the community for providing help and organizing a friendly academic atmosphere of studying here. Also, please accept our apology in advance for unintentional mistakes and short coming during our study in Japan.
Thank you very much for your kind attention.』
- 入学式の風景
- 集合写真