The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences held a matriculation ceremony at the Faculty of Agriculture, Ehime University, with representatives from Ehime, Kagawa and Kochi Universities in attendance. Eighteen students enrolled in The United Graduate School of Agricultural Science doctoral course, of whom 14 were international students (Bangladesh 7, Thailand 1, Indonesia 4, Mozambique 1, China 1), and one from Indonesia who is in the SUIJI joint program.
After the deans were introduced, the Dean of UGAS, Hiroki OUE, delivered an address in English, with these words, “You all are expected to be leaders of your countries and bridges between Japan and each country. During your research life in UGAS, I expect you to develop academic and friendship networks between each other and between your senior researchers, i.e., many alumni and alumnae of UGAS so that UGAS could be a hub of the academic collaboration. Finally, I hope you all establish good relationships with your colleagues and academic advisers, promote your networks between your predecessors, who are alumni and alumnae and help to advance learning and research in this graduate school.”
Then, Ms. PARVIN KHURSHEDA gave a speech to the dean of UGAS with these words, “In fact, it is humbling to learn not only scientific research but also social commitments and manners where we will definitely give our best to maintain honesty and integrity in carrying out our duties and responsibilities. After that, we are also committed to contributing our countries’ improvement with the use of the acquired knowledge from Japan. I think all of us are full of expectations about a nice experience with enlightened achievement in Japan. In conclusion, we would like to thank our Japanese colleagues and community for providing a very friendly and cooperative academic and living environment here. Please accept our apology in advance for any unintentional mistakes during our time in Japan.”
- Dean’s address
After the ceremony, a commemorative photograph was taken of the new students and their professors.
- Matricuation class, October 2017
Following that, an orientation was held, providing information including points to note for international students while staying in Japan, procedures on how to apply for certificates, the UGAS system, the requirements and application details for conferment of a degree, and an explanation of the curriculum, syllabus and course schedules. Also, representatives from the SUIJI project office explained the SUIJI Joint Program.
- SUIJI joint program
- Orientation