?Takashi AKAZAWA, a?UGAS-EU third-year student, was presented with the Award for Outstanding Young Researcher (Poster Presentation) at the 25th General and Academic Meeting of the Japanese Society of Food Chemistry, which was held?in Matumoto city, Nagano Prefecture?(June 6–7, 2019).
?The award is?for encouraging?the study of food sciences, the cultivation of young researchers, and the revitalization of academic conferences. It is given for an outstanding oral or poster presentation.
?This time the study?on food?by AKAZAWA at?is highly rated and he was?awarded for Poseter Presentation.
?Comment from Takashi AKAZAWA
?My study is on the whites of chicken eggs. Two projects are ongoing. One is on the secondary function of food (taste function) and the other is on the tertiary function of food (biological adjustment).
?For the tertiary function, I am studying the development of chicken embryos to clarify the physiological function of egg white protein.
?For the secondary function, I am studying the texture improvement of gelled food, which consists of protein.
?At this conference, I gave a presentation on a peculiar polyphenol of olive, which improves the intensity of gel on egg white protein.
?Encouraged by receiving this award, I’ll continue to study the function of the whites of chicken eggs. ???

Flash talk of poster presentation

Award ceremony

Certificate of commendaiton